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Back to Basics – Accounting

I’ll be honest; accounting is NOT my strong suit, which is why I consider myself lucky as a board member for my association to have a professional management company not only handling our accounting, but doing so with eUnify, which automates many of the daily accounting processes, compiles easy-to-read reports for me and my fellow board members, and gives us an interactive graphic display of our budgets, expenses, and delinquencies. Here are a few highlights of what eUnify Accounting has to offer:

Accounts Payable:

eUnify’s accounting platform provides several user-friendly ways to get vendor invoices into the system: Management company users can upload invoices directly, external vendors can either upload their invoices using the vendor portal or email their invoices directly into the system. Not only does this help vendors get paid more quickly, but it also allows for eUnify users to take the AP process paperless.


eUnify users can build custom delinquency workflows to generate notices, which are saved on the homeowner account. Generated notices can be printed and mailed in house or sent electronically for printing and mailing through our integrated fulfillment vendor, LetterStream. All notices are saved to preserve history, along with online tracking and delivery receipts for certified letters sent via the fulfillment process directly on the homeowner account. Notices also can be made available on the CommunityLink homeowner portal for online access by homeowners and board members.

Manage Ownership Change:

In the Manage Ownership Change process, eUnify can automate the sending of a welcome packet, providing important community orientation resources to new owners without any manual effort. The packet can be fulfilled using our integrated mailing partner and is saved on the homeowner account. Also, warranty deeds, or other paperwork received at closing, can be uploaded during the closing process.


eUnify offers a quick and easy way to process returned items from owners directly from their accounts. This includes posting the bank returned item fee to the general ledger, as well as the association's returned item fee to the homeowner account.

Cash Receipts:

When using an integrated banking provider, eUnify provides a validation file to our integrated banking partners detailing balance, address, and owner information. In response, our integrated baking partners return a file of the owner payments received for that day, which are posted directly and automatically to homeowner accounts. This fully automated server-to-server communication is a major efficiency gain in your AR process.

When not using an integrated banking provider, eUnify allows users to upload cash receipts to homeowner accounts using an Excel spreadsheet. This allows users to download payments from their banking website and upload them into eUnify without the need for manual posting. While less manual than the integrated banking partner approach, this still represents major time savings.

These features help you go paperless, empower your internal users, external vendors, board members, and homeowners with valuable tools and resources, but the list of highlights above barely scratches the surface of our comprehensive accounting platform. We invite you to schedule a demo with eUnify today to take a detailed look at all our accounting has to offer. helps you go paperless, empowers your internal users, external vendors, board members, and homeowners with valuable tools and resources.

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