Our Apps
We've created two apps that cater to the needs of all eUnify users. CommunityLink and uManage mobile make it possible for users to access community information on the
go! Maximizing efficiency and reducing stress, our apps' unique features set them apart from our competitors.
Our mobile app for community and board members makes accessing
important property information, HOA guidelines, and keeping up-to-date with community news makes being an active community member easier than it ever has been!
Whether a board member, community member, or both, relevant information for a user's position is accessible through the home or board portal dashboards.
Members are always aware of dues that need to be paid and important events to attend, while board members can easily keep track of to dos and operating cash.

For managers and inspectors, the uManage mobile manager app significantly increases efficiency, utilizing state-of-the-art mapping and GPS technology.
We've completely digitized inspections, work order entry, architectural review, and many more features that create an unmatched user experience.

Each pin represents a home in the HOA.
Community Management Tasks Made Easy.
Real Time Violation Viewing + Reporting
Managers are able to easily identify, assign, and inspect violations on site, capturing and uploading images of violations from our app. Pins with purple or customized-color circles indicate open violations.

Default purple circle violation indicator.

Customized blue indicating special violation.
Work Order Capture + Inspection
Work order inspection, entry, and vendor assignment can be completed in no-time. Default purple or customized color rectangles makes identifying properties with open work orders incredibly easy. For properties that have more than one open work order, the gray information bar at the bottom of the screen indicates the number of open work orders.

Default purple rectangle open work order indicator.

Gray-colored circles indicate completed inspections.
Live GPS-Enabled Manager Tracking
Inspecting a large community? Our GPS-enabled mapping keeps managers on track by coloring all inspected properties gray. Managers can efficiently inspect their communities with the certainty that they are not repeating already-completed inspections.
Accessibility in Every Situation with Offline Mode
Uninterrupted access to important community information is essential. We've eradicated the need for internet connection when using the uManage mobile app.
Managers and inspectors are able to perform all duties completely offline. Without the need for internet or Wi-Fi connection, managers and inspectors can complete their community assessments without fear of new information being lost.
We Tailor to Fit Your Preferences
Our goal is to make management tasks as hassle-free as possible. Our mobile manager app allows managers and inspectors to view important information from anywhere.
Necessary property information - known as 'Facts' - a list of the community's board members, relevant notes pertaining to the community and its properties, and tasks that need to be completed can all be found in the app.
Map settings make all the difference when navigating any area. HOA inspections are no different. We've included settings to allow managers and inspectors the freedom to customize their GPS-enabled inspection maps to fit their user preferences.

Users can easily switch between Standard, Satellite, and Hybrid map imagery.
We Prioritize Community Safety.
Our map clearly alerts inspectors of properties needing inspection with audio and visual queues. The inspection alert system allows inspectors to safely complete a community inspection, keeping their eyes on the road instead of on their map.